These images are a submission to the magazine i am a part of : "Adjective Magazine" , which features a different adjective in every issue. the first issue is "ambiguous".
i made collages about sexual ambiguity on a biological level, using quotes from "Seraphita" wirtten by Honoré de Balzac:
" Her fresh young face, with its delicate outline, expressed an infinite purity which harmonized with the candor of the white brow and the clear blue eyes. She sat erect, turning slightly toward the lamp for better light, unconsciously showing as she did so the beauty of her waist and bust. (...) Sitting thus, she presented the most complete image, the truest type, of the woman destined for terrestrial labor, whose glance may pierce the clouds of the sanctuary while her thought, humble and charitable, keeps her ever on the level of man."
Honore de Balzac, Seraphita, (p49)